Tuesday, 27 February 2024

List of key SAP Memory parameters


List of key SAP Memory parameters:

PHYS MEMSIZE: Specifies the size of the main memory of the host on which AS ABAP is running .

em/initial size_MB: Specifies the total size of the extended memory (EM). The value is derived from the size of the physical main memory. 

EM/TOTAL SIZE MB: Controls the total size of the EM for the implementation of 

shared memory segments (SHM segments). 

em/max size MB: Specifies the maximum size of the dynamically extendable EM 

em/global_area_MB: Specifies the size of the global extended memory (EG) 

abap/heap_area_dia: This value specifies how much PRIV memory can be allocated for a user context by a single dialog work process. The aim is to limit the maximum size of user contexts so that one single user cannot occupy the entire memory available. 

abap/heap area_nondia: Specifies how much PRIV memory, a non-dialog work process(background, update, the system and print processes) can allocate for a user context. The aim is to limit the maximum size of user contexts so that one single user cannot occupy the entire memory available. 

abap/heap_area_total: Specifies how much PRIV memory dialog and non-dialog work processes can allocate for user contexts. 

abap/heaplimit: This value specifies the amount of PRIV memory that, if exceeded,automatically restarts a work process after completion of the current transaction step. A bottleneck in the swap space should be prevented by using an automatic restart (as seldom as possible). 

em/proc_max_size MB: Specifies the maximum amount of PROC memory all work processes together can use. The value 0 means that there is no limit to the PROC memory 

rdisp/wppriv_max no: The value specifies the maximum number of work processes that are allowed to be in PRIV mode. 

rdisp/max priv time: This parameter value specifies the maximum time spent by a work process in PRIV mode. 

ztta/roll_extension: Specifies how much EM can be assigned to a user session (usercontext). The EM quota applies both to dialog work processes and to non-dialog work processes. The current parameter value is the default value for ztta/roll_extension_dia and ztta/roll_extension nondia. ztta/roll_extension only takes effect if its value is lower than em/initial size MB.


  1. help.sap.com 
  2. SAP Notes 
  3. Linkedin



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