Friday, 3 July 2020

SAP SUM tool phases overview


There the five phases in SAP SUM Tool.

  • Extraction
  • Configuration
  • Checks
  • Pre-processing
  • Execution
  • Post Processing

Following activities performed in this phase:
  1. DDIC username and password
  2. Scanning of download directory where all the patches are placed
  3. Extract files to move to EPS/in
  4. Check SPAM version.
  5. <SID>adm credentials
  6. Mapping of table classes to container
  7. Pre-upgrade note list implementation

Following activities performed in this phase.
  1. Main upgrade configuration, where you will give input parameters for -Advanced (expensive downtime optimizes, higher complexity, high resource assignment)
  2. Keep database archiving on
  3. Execution strategy for transaction SGEN
  4. Maximum number of processes to be used for load generation. SGEN Processes
  5. Batch Process(Uptime)
  6. Batch Process(Downtime)
  7. Maximum number of DDL processes (Uptime and Downtime)
  8. Number of parallel import processes (R3trans -Uptime and Downtime)
  9. Parallel Phases (Uptime and downtime)
  10. Update Instances
  11. Enhancement package inclusion
  12. Add-On selection
  13. Modification Adjustment (SPDD transport request and SPAU transport request)

Following activities performed in this phase:
  1. Insufficient space in database, Create four table spaces with script
  2. Space checks
  3. BW checks and phases
  4. Activation and conversion checks
  5. Modification support
  6. Preliminary upgrade processing
  7. List Locked SAP objects

This is the pre-downtime phase where all the pre-tasks need to complete by SUM like
  1. Check for locked objects
  2. ABAP Workbench locking
  3. Run shadow system for preparation of new release (ACT_UPG, PARDIST, SGEN)
  4. SPDD Adjustments

Sum tool downtime is called as execution where actual are copied from Shadow to Main Instance and system were unavailable during the downtime.

  1. Merging of shadow and Real Instance
  2. system upgrade
  3. Table conversion
Post Processing: 

This is post processing step of SUM just after downtime.

  1. SPAU change
  2. Backup


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